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Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery has been one of cancer treatments widely used in developed countries.
In Vietnam, American International Hospital (AIH) applies laparoscopic surgical technologies, using specialized instruments to minimize incision size and reduce tissue injury, in American standards.
*How safe is laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery is as safe as traditional open surgery. As any intestinal surgery is associated with certain risks including anesthesia, bleeding or infectious complications. The risk of any operation is determined in part by the nature of the specific operation. An individual’s general health and other medical conditions are also factors that affect the risk of any operation.
* Is it possible for patients to decide on undergoing laparoscopic surgery?
Of course not. There are several reasons why laparoscopic surgery is not performed, which depends on:
- Experience of the doctor who performs the operation.
- Types of diseases. For instance, it is not appropriate to remove cancer tumors with laparoscopic method.
- Conditions of specific patients. As there is no assurance that the operation is always undergone successfully, the possibility for undergoing a change to the traditional open surgery. Please notice that the conversion does not mean it would be a medical negligence, but intraoperative findings.
* When is a laparoscopic operation converted to an open surgery?
There are several reasons why the conversion should take place because of the following:
- The surgeon discovers unforeseen complications.
- The surgeon finds that being persistent with the laparoscopic approach would take risks. For example: Severe inflammation and dense adhesions around the operative site, or excessive metastasis of cancer cells that make laparoscopic surgery unfeasible (those foreseen).
- Uncontrolled bleeding which results in the need for an open procedure to stop the bleeding.
General surgery is the specialty associated with preoperative, operative and postoperative management for patients with a broad spectrum of diseases, including those which may require elective or emergency surgical treatment.
Being one of the five leading-edge departments at American International Hospital (AIH), our General Surgery Department provides surgical healthcare services in a variety of sub-specialties up to the highest international standard. Our team of certified surgeons is dedicated to meet all the needs of patients from consultation to postoperative care.
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