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Morning sickness often happens within first 4 months of pregnancy. It is estimated about 70-80% pregnant women get morning sickness which normally begin in the 6th week of pregnancy. The main cause of vomiting during pregnancy is increasing progesterone – an endogenous steroid hormone involved in menstrual cycle, pregnancy and embryogenesis.
When the initial stage of pregnancy commences, nausea and vomiting almost change daily living activities of pregnant women. Besides, there are still ambiguous awarenesses that confuse pregnant women. Let’s learn and “decrypt” this topic to overcome morning sickness easily and equip more necessary knowledge with AIH.
► Does morning sickness affect the fetus?

Actually, morning sickness generally speaking is unharm, otherwise it shows a healthy placenta produces a lot of hormones to support pregnancy,  well-grown fetus. In some circumstances, morning sickness is more severe than normal due to twin or triplet pregnancy, excessive mental fatigue, emotional stress, excessive walk … If mothers are in the category of severe morning sickness include nausea and intractable vomiting, electrolyte imbalance, malnutrition, dehydration, loss of appetite, fever, mothers need to see a doctorfor timely support and intervention.

► Should you eat more during morning sickness period?

Pregnant women with severe morning sickness, foods is no longer a joy but maybe a “nightmare”, one of thereasons which increases nausea. Even many pregnant women have thought of reducing food quantity means diminishing the risk of  nausea and vomiting. But this is a quite misconception, because your body is exhausting and dehydrating at this moment, if you do not provide essential nutrients, it will risk to the fetus.
An optimized nutrition plan does not only improve immunity but also helps to reduce symptoms of morning sickness with some typical foods. There are tips to reduce morning sickness effectively as below:
  • Eat small meals during the day
  • Add more protein and carbs.
  • Prioritize liquid foods, which is easily absorbable
  • Prioritize bland diet, less spice
  • Avoid stimulants with strong odours
  • Ginger tea can relieve the symptoms but overconsumption is not advised
  • Daily multivitamin supplement, doctor’s consultation is recommended to prescribe in consistent with medical condition.  
► The more severe morning sickness is, the more intelligent baby is, right or wrong?

Today, there is no scientific basis proving IQ index of fetus determined by morning sickness level. The IQ index of fetus is determined by hereditary elements, gestational nutrition, prenatal education…. So, pregnant women need to fous on nutrition during pregnancy, Folic acid supplement given before and during gestation, boost the fetal nervous system development. Besides, add more foods which includes Omega-rich, DHA, vegetable oil in daily diet will help in fetal brain development.
► Is it dangerous if morning sickness stops suddenly?

This also considers when morning sickness is terminated. Women mostly feel morning sickness remission in the 12th week and later. If morning sickness terminates in this period, it is really normal during pregnancy. However, if morning sickness stops suddenly in the 6th week and later, mothers-to-be need to seek medical advice, this is also considered one of the signs of fetal growth cessation (stillbirth) or miscarriage. As these signs found, mothers must contact or go to see a doctor immediately for investigation, avoiding  maternal and fetal complications.
Aim at providing the best healthcare for mothers and babies during pregnancy, with prenatal care package provided by American International Hospital (AIH), doctors and specialists will take care pregnant women closely during pregnancy. Besides examination and treatment performed periodically, doctors also provide specific solutions for maternal symptoms, sickness arisen in sudden situations. In addition, prenatal care packages are developed scientifically based on every single stage of pregnancy with significant milestones of medical examination, laboratory tests which are planned in detail and made appointment periodically. The cooperation of multidisciplinary team  includes Cardiology, Endocrinology, Nutrition… with Obstetricians monitor and consult specifically for every case with gestational pathologies and complications, aim at providing comprehensive care for mother and baby.
At AIH, doctors and nutritionist will monitor, advise specifically for each case in order to ensure pregnant women have the best care plan for mother and baby health. AIH is the 1st hospital in Vietnam apply American standard labour room – LDRP, allow pregnant women and families have experience of delivery in a convenient and comfortable way in only 1 room for whole 4 stages: Labour – Delivery (vaginal) – Recovery – Postpartum.
Especially, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at AIH is well-equipped with standard modern equipment , together with cooperate of leading medical specialists include doctors, Pediatric & NICU nurses, physical therapist, pediatric nutritionist, support timely for delivery cases, ensure safety and the best care for babies since they are born.

For checkup and consultation at AIH:
☎️ Hotline: (028) 3910 9999 
🌏 Website: www.aih.com.vn 
📍 Address: (Entrance from 199 Nguyen Hoang Street) No.6, Bac Nam 3 Street, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.

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