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The Ear-Nose-Throat are three organs that are closely related to each other and are the entrance of the airway - the food passageway. Ear-Nose-Throat diseases are seen commonly at any age, easy to recur. The main causes relate to environmental factors, the most common are bacterial infection and allergy.
Allergy is a combination of sensitive host factors and environmental factors such as temperature, weather, irritants... Bacterial infections occur due to bacteria or viruses from the environment penetrating, attacking one of these organs, then infecting the next organs.
Therefore, when one of these three organs is infected, it can affect each other making condition more severe if we do not know how to prevent and treat properly. Let's learn about common ENT diseases and proactive prevention !
1. Acute rhinopharyngitis: The disease occurs when the entire rhinopharyngeal mucosa is attacked and damaged by bacteria or viruses, viruses is still more common. Initial signs include dry throat, throat pain and burning, which then lead to cough, productive cough or dry cough. Acute rhinopharyngitis usually causes fever from 38-40 Celsius degrees, fatigue, body aches. There is a lot of nasal discharge simultaneously, congestion of unilateral or bilateral nose, causing dyspnea for patients …​Treatment of acute rhinopharyngitis should identify the pathogen as bacteria or viruses, combine with symptomatic treatment and improve the physical condition.
2. Tonsillitis: Tonsils are lymph nodes located inside the throat, pathogens can also be viruses or bacteria, causing each episode of acute inflammation lasts about 7-10 days. Because the tonsils are inflamed, swelling, edematous, symptoms can occur such as fever, sore throat, globus sensation, cough . The more swelling the tonsils are, the more pain you can get, sometimes causing difficult swallowing. The pain may be throbbing  upward to the ears or head accompanying with voice changes and deterioration in health.
3. Otitis media: Secondary otitis media normally occurs after a course of rhinopharyngitis or acute tonsillitis that is not properly treated, especially in children. Symptoms of the disease progresses according to its stage (hyperemia, purulent stasis to otorrhea) and will gradually aggravate including ear pain, fever, tinnitus, hearing impairment, purulent otorrhea.… ​
4. Allergic rhinitis: Cyclical allergic rhinitis is most common, usually occur at the seasonal transition when the weather changes in conjunction with irritants of the nasal mucosa in the habitat. Symptoms are quite diverse such as: rhinorrhea, watery eyes and eye redness, itching of the nose, constant sneezing and burning sensation in the nose, nasopharynx...symptoms may recur several times in patients with sensitive and easily irritated nasal mucosa.
5. Rhinosinusitis: This is also common ENT disease, which can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or allergies. Few cases caused by injury or associated pathologies. Sinusitis is a condition of sinus mucosa with inflammation, edema and fluid stasis inside the sinus cavities and is often accompained with rhinitis, generally called rhinosinusitis. Acute rhinosinusitis, typical symptoms are: fever, dry lips caused by oral breathing because of nasal obstruction, craniofacial pain corresponding to the sinusitis area, rhinorrhea…Chronic rhinosinusitis will occur when acute inflammation recurs many times, causing severe damage and more difficult to recover. It is necessary to remove the mucus by drainage and provide good sinus ventilation, so it is possible to treat rhinosinusitis effectively.
► Some methods to prevent ENT diseases:
  • Avoid allergens such as smoke, dust, pollen, mould…​
  • Keep the body and ENT organs clean. Use 0.9% NaCl solution or daily gargle to clean the nose, throat. ​
  • Do not turn air condition too cold.
  • Wear mask when going out, keep indoor space, workplace clean.
  • Examination and eradication treatment of ENT disorders as soon as disease onset in order to prevent the disease turns to chronic condition causing difficult for treatment.
At the ENT department of AIH, with a team of experienced doctors and full of modern equipment (ENT endoscopy, audiometry room, CT Scanner, MRI…), depending on each patient, doctor will provide different treatment methods. Simultaneously, patients are always given specific, careful advice for individual case, especially on prevention of  possible long-term complications and disease recurrence.
Contact Hotline (028) 3910 9999 or Inbox Fanpage "AIH-American International Hospital" for more details!

For checkup and consultation at AIH:
☎️ Hotline: (028) 3910 9999 
🌏 Website: www.aih.com.vn 
📍 Address: (Entrance from 199 Nguyen Hoang Street) No.6, Bac Nam 3 Street, An Phu Ward, Thu Duc City, Ho Chi Minh City.

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